Saturday, August 31, 2013

Undressed - Avery Aster

So I have to say, for someone who has only reviewed books on Goodreads for a little while, it was pretty cool to have an author contact me to tell me she would provide copies of her books to me for honest reviews. This is the first time that's happened - both getting the copies of the books and having an author seek me out.

After going to the sites that provide these ARC's and Reviewer's Copies, I decided then to start a blog, because if I review on Goodreads and Amazon, I might as well have my own blog that does the reviews too right?

DisclaimerCopy provided by Author via Edelweiss in exchange for an honest review 

Okay, so here is my take on the first book in the Manhattanites series by Avery Aster - Undressed.

First off, this has nothing to do with the actual story, but I have noticed a lot more frequently that multiple authors have been using the same book cover.

Case in point - the cover for Undressed is a mirror image of Katie Ashley's The Proposition which was published a year before Undressed.

Look familiar?

This fact doesn't bother me, but it makes me think - hey you just wrote a book don't you kind of want your own unique cover?

Anyhoo, I digress. Back to the review.

I'm no newbie to erotica but Day-um, Avery Aster writes quite the sex scene. I mean, at certain times even I was blushing a bit.

This definitely had the Sex in the City/Gossip Girl feel to it with it's fashion-laden plot and descriptions. While this is not something I look for in a book, and honestly I tend to skip over the designer labels and head to toe fashion descriptions, I was impressed with Aster's knowledge on the topic.

Undressed is a hot read. Like Smoking Hot. So hot you should probably only read this at home. The scene where Lex spies on Rocco, Jemma, and Luigi is pretty scorchin'. You get to travel along with Lex to Italy and experience New York Fashion week. I love that Lex is relatable - she used to be chubby so she doesn't like to show a lot of skin and has had it rough being the daughter of a famous rock star who recently died and a crazy mother who hasn't been the same since he died.

This is where the BUT comes in.

BUT I didn't love it. And the big reason is due to Massimo and Lex as a couple.

It felt like Massimo and Lex's relationship went from all out fighting and venom to super-love. I wanted to see more of their relationship blossoming and really get a knack for them falling for each other. I didn't really know why they were in love minus the fact that they were attracted to each other. And when they fought, they didn't really 'talk it out'. One of them just seemed to kind of drop it and everything would be okay again. I guess I like to see hints of that real relationship stuff in the books I read.

The verdict?

It fell somewhere between a 2.5 and 3 for me, so I'll round up since the sex scenes were unique, which is not common these days when it comes to erotica.

You can buy this novel on Amazon Kindle by going to the link provided below:

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